Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 73,974    [ Give / Take ]


19 entries this month

VR Talent.

23:24 Sep 30 2006
Times Read: 1,499

The VR has some very talented poetry writers. I read several journals for them alone, and am always touched by their words. :)

I never have been able to write a poem. Give me subject to write a story for, and you have it. Might not be very good- but I can give you something to read.

So I have been thinking- Why am I unable to write poetry? Because you have to Master the English word. You have to understand how to express yourself. I know- you do that with a story, but….

See- this is why I can never write a poem. Expression. lol Let see if I can explain what I mean.

A kiss. A kiss with your first love. If you ask me, I can write a story of that kiss. The build up of feelings, the taste of his lips on mine, the heat of his body and desire.

However, one who writes a poem about it? They have to relate the same feelings into very few words. I mean – eight to ten words what I would have to use 200 words to express.

And THAT is talent. :)

And to those who have that talent- hats off to you.




Fairy of Joy!!

22:45 Sep 30 2006
Times Read: 1,495

Got a email from my sister. Its a picture of this frog faced fairy with a little wand. It read-

" Every year, the fairy of joy visits the earth and whoever she touches with her wand receives HAPPINESS!"

May she beat the shit out of you!!

LOL Got to love sisters. :)





13:53 Sep 26 2006
Times Read: 1,344

Went out to dinner with a friend a few weeks ago. We are enjoying our dinner, when a lone man was sited in the booth across from us. I smiled, and he gave me a smile back. Then I forgot he was there. I mean, nothing against the man, but when I am with my friend- we just talk about everything. Why we have been friends for over 16 years, and still enjoy each other’s company.

My fine dinner of salad, grilled chicken, and plain baked potato. (Yes- I know. I know... :) Her’s of loaded potato, and steak. Even well done- it was still a lovely steak. (Can you tell I lusted after her steak?) Anyway… the little witch orders dessert. A warm brownie with ice cream melted on top. Caramel drizzled all over. Mmmmm. My weakness- sweets.

Safe to say- I had to have some. I reach over and take a spoon full, bring it to my mouth… and closed my eyes and let out a “mmmm” as the flavors hit me. When I open my eyes, smiling at her, she pointed down to my chest. I looked down to see the low cut shirt I wore let a drop of caramel land on the top of my breast. “Damn” Better on my boob then my shirt, at least.

I put the spoon down and, using my finger, I removed the spot, bring it to my lips, licking it clean. I took my finger to my water glass and wet the tip from the wetness on the outside of the glass. I rub the spot on my breast to remove the stickiness… and that is when she coughed. I looked up at her and she glanced over to the man watching me. Her facial expression saying “HELLO!”

I smiled at the man, and looking back at her, saying “What? It’s all sticky” She just rolled her eyes and I started to laugh. Oh well…I love making her roll her eyes. Its a goal of mine in life. :) LOL

Love ya Elemental!




Glimmer of hope?

21:21 Sep 22 2006
Times Read: 1,378

Sadism- sexual pleasure or gratification in the infliction of pain, suffering upon another person. Submissive is one who enjoys having BDSM performed on them. Holds a submissive position. Enjoys the submission, interplay of wills.

As I learn more and more on this subject, I have to wonder. I understand everyone is different- desires, limits of pleasure, and turn on's. I hoped I would not judge. However, on this subject, I cannot help myself. I just have to put a few words down… for no one, but me.

In my opinion- Sadism has a very thin line into degrading a human. To be / or beat someone is nothing I could enjoy. Oh- I enjoy a firm slap on my butt, but the whole pain for pleasure is something I would love to have explained to me. Not only the physical draw, but also the emotional.

I was raised by strong parents who taught me to stand on my own. To never be treated without respect. Then I feel in love. Ahhh… the pain of love. That is when the emotional abuse started. Did he ever physically abuse me? ~ smile~ Oh, he knew to never be that brave. That would get his ass kicked by me, and most likely killed by others in my family and friends. However, the abuse I went through was even worst, in a way. I was weak enough to let it gone on and on for years we were together. And sadly, still effect how I enter into relationships today.

I have read and talked to women about how they let men … control what they can do, make them wear mask, beaten for not doing things in a certain way, and so much more. I just do not understand why a person would let someone have that much power over them. Someone would want that much power over another.

Who am I to talk, having the same happen to me? That was a long time ago, and a different person. And I am strong enough now to face it was the weakness I showed that upset me more then anything. Maybe that is why I want to hear about this subject- so I can understand why I let it happen?

I joke that I want a male I can Sub to. The more I read and hear on this subject- the more I see I could never let someone have that power over me. Would I trust him enough to give control over? Flashing back to those years... I just do not think I would ever let a person that close, to trust anyone not to hurt me. Sad, but true.

However, as I am sadden by this- maybe there is that glimmer of hope to find the one?




Peaches... LOL

00:13 Sep 20 2006
Times Read: 1,404

So AlchemistDammed, you want a bushell of "Just the right" peaches. ROFL

Well you know what they say about peaches? They got pits!!

And I want a nice hot corn dog.. ;) that doesn't get soggy when heat is put to it.

A Hole... LOL




How do you rate?

23:28 Sep 18 2006
Times Read: 1,413

How do you rate a profile? I mean- do you have rules? Like no tens, but for the very few great one? On the other hand, do you give a ten out to everyone? Well I took the time from me arriving at work this morning - to the time we opened to catch up on rating. I wanted to share with you how I do it. (Yes- it is my journal, so I get to talk about me. lol)

I know they are new- and I am doing this in fun ONLY. :)

I cannot even remember my profile when I started, but I am sure a few had a laugh.

Note: I will always go back and re rate if asked. And if I find I have rated before, and do not think it matches the page as it is now, I will delete and rate again.

I wait for something to hit me. Be it bad or good- you have to get my attention. Oh and I also added a few of the comments that came out of my mind. No I did not put these in those peoples comment box. ;)

Let us take quotes. A few from this morning rating…

I’m your nightmare. – Honey you are 18 years old, you do not know what a nightmare is yet. You think you are a nightmare now… please. Give it a dozen years, and then talk to me. #5

Can not live, can not die - Bet that makes it hell on buying health and life insurance. # 6

Want a caring man- I slap my forehead and yelled out... Why didn’t I try that! #6

I trust people- I just don’t trust the devil inside them. Now that one is not new to me, but still one I love, and find it to be true. #8

Life is over rated – Sort of like your profile. #6

Life is a dick, when it is hard, fuck it! - Shake my head, and then smile as mine use to be as bad with… Life sucks, but so do I. #7

Then we have the art. I love art of any kind.

Love the wolfs. #9

Why the same picture on the portfolio as the profile? #5

Wow #10

Ok- Is that allowed on VR? #5

If you look at it sideways, it rather makes sense, as I hold the laptop and turn it. # 5

Then you have the ones that just make you go... huh?

Quizzes. Not one, two, three, but four, as I scroll down. Rate? One more then your total quizzes. #5

Scrolling downward, look - a picture of her in black, her in red, her in my face with the boobs, her laying down, her standing up, her sitting… gods make it end. Rate # 5. As the page pops back to the top, I automatic scroll down and see, she has a portfolio. Why ... who would have believed that? I skipped it.

Big words. I hate big words, but love those who can use them. #9

Did not understand a single thing it said. #5

From Kentucky? Hell yeah! #10

From Tenn.? Close enough. #10

Ohio? You guessed it. #10

Description: Brown eyes. That is it. I scream in horror like in the movies. It is the attack of the brown eyes… help me! lol #10 just for the laugh.

So there you go, me rating.

Wonder how you rate :)




The Votes Are IN!!!

12:41 Sep 18 2006
Times Read: 1,422

Ahhh… I knew my VR family would back me up on this! :) Thanks guys. Hug and a kiss for each and ever one of you. The messages and emails meant a lot to me. See- they do read my personal stuff. It is not all about the sex. Not that there is anything wrong with sex. ;) Starts singing a song… “Let’s talk about sex baby... let talk about you and me…” Wink Wink.

And to the …uhhh…what was it I called you? Oh yeah- uncaring, judgmental, little prick. Uncaring because you knew your words hurt- but you still backed them up as of Sunday am. Judgmental because you judged my friends, and people without knowing them. You judged me unworthy of writing. A little prick…Hey! I just got that pun!! Sex – prick!!! ROFL

“So with sincerest feelings, I will give you this…” I stick out my tongue at you and blow. ~laughter~ Childish, I know. That is me!! :)

Damn, I got spit on my screen and keyboard… ~laughter~ It was so worth it!!




10:13 Sep 17 2006
Times Read: 1,431

Going to be 40 years old, this time next week.

Still coming to terms with this.

I wonder...




Need your vote. :)

13:10 Sep 16 2006
Times Read: 1,450

You know how you wake up and cannot go back to sleep? That is me this morning. I calmed myself down, waiting to see what pops into my mind- as that would be the problem. It worked, as usually.

Someone on VR told me the only reason anyone reads my journals is for the sex stories. ONLY reason I am on any favorite journals. Now he may be right- but I would hope not. Do not get me wrong- it is not as if I have a crowd going over to read my journals. But a few. They are some males in that group, not that I mind women reading my sex journals. In fact – I welcome all. If you enjoy reading something- why let anyone tell you it is wrong, as he did me.

I have to point out- I love sex. I love reading about sex. I love writing about sex. It has been on my profile from April when I joined VR that I write erotic stories. I never have hidden that part of me. But there are other parts to me as well. If all you read is the sex stories, you miss my bitchy attitude … lol. Maybe that is why so many people think I am nice. Poor mislead souls.

:) ~ smiles ~

Sorry- like I said – lack of sleep.

Its how he said it. Like no one would take the time, make the effort to read my personal items. It upset me enough that I separated the sex stories, from the other stories, as I wish to never offend anyone.

So I sit here on my bed and I have to ask- is he right?

I have a plan… evil smile. What? You think I would not…

I am going to ask the few hand full of people who read my journal to tell me. Message me- it will not take long. Just tell me you agree.

What do you agree to? That he was being an uncaring, judgmental, close-minded little prick. :) That you read more then the sex parts. (As this is in my personal… that’s a given- right?)

Either way- I plan to write what I want to in my journal. I see it as my space. Places were I can be, were I can let my true self out are limited in my life. My journals are one.

I feel better now and going back to bed. I hope to have a very hot sexy dream just so I can write another story for those who only read that part of my journal. I love all who read – I am not a shit ass like someone…

Thanks for reading this….




Speeding Tickets

21:15 Sep 15 2006
Times Read: 1,461

Found these on AOL. How to talk your way out of a speeding ticket... smiles.

Just wanted to share.

I was driving along one day minding what I thought was my own business, and kind of daydreaming. I must have gone a little faster than I should have and was pulled over and stopped by a state police officer. My husband is a former police officer and told me how he always let someone go if they could tell him a reason for speeding that he hadn't heard before. I knew I had to think quick because he was now approaching my door. He advised me that the reason he was stopping me was I had exceeded the posted limit by 15 miles over. I looked him in the eye and asked him sternly "Do you have any idea what I did to the last cop who stopped me for speeding?" He looked a little shocked and began feeling more cautious. I said, "I married him." I believe he is still laughing, he just walked away and said slow down, have a nice day. I was so pleased that for once my husband told me something that would really work."

Third place -- and another XM2GO -- to a hard-working officer experiencing a case of mistaken identity:

"Vehicle pulled over for speeding at approximately 04:00. When approaching the vehicle the driver asked me if I knew Officer Westberg. I told him I did. He then went on to tell me how he was Officer Westberg's buddy, and he (Westberg) wouldn't be happy knowing I was giving one of his friends a ticket. I asked him how well he knew Westberg. He said that they have been close friends for years, and even showed me Westberg's business card. I told the driver to wait in his car, and I would check to make sure his license was valid. It was, so I wrote him the ticket for speed. When I gave him the ticket, he asked me why I didn't let him off with a warning, since he was Westberg's friend. I told him Westberg doesn't have any friends and that he should look at the name of the officer on the ticket. There neatly printed was WESTBERG. The driver stared at the officer's name on the ticket for probably 15 seconds, then looked at my nametag, and saw it spelled out Officer Westberg. He told me that a buddy of his always dropped officer's names, and since he had received my business card in the past during some type of event, he thought it was worth a try. He paid the ticket."




I need more time to write... :)

12:51 Sep 15 2006
Times Read: 1,466

Ohhhhh Have a really nice story ... if only I had two or three hours to tell it...

Maybe this weekend.

Off to work. And yes I did dream of farmer McDonald. LOL




Old McDonald's farm...

22:52 Sep 14 2006
Times Read: 1,484

Old farmer MacDonald needs to die! And all his animals need to either be cooked, or sold off – cheap! My Wednesday start at 5:30 am. I woke up late, and rushed to work. To find my guys drinking coffee and shooting the breeze. All was good. We drove the hour and half to the job- the job being a pack job only, at min storage. That in itself should have warned me.

But nooooo…..

The shipper showed up late- with an 18 month old and a 2 year old. They were cute for about… ten minutes. LOL The man and I had words about his reasonability to move, and pulling out the items for us to pack. He agreed, when the military inspector backs me up on the cell phone. (Yeah- pays to know the rules and regulations)

First box he pulls out has toys and you know what the kids did. That is when the toy came out to play for four hours... ALL the four hours. The 2 year old pulled down that little level, and my hell day started. Oh, it was cute the first few times. with the 18-month-old giggling as it played.

“Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on this farm, he had a …. E-I-E-I-O”

45 minutes later: I bend down and ask her to stop, pulling out another toy... a toy that would not make noise. She just gave me that sweet child like smile, and pulled the level again. My guys just laughed their asses off. They know I do not like kids.

“Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. And on his farm he had a …E-I-E-I-O”

One and a half hours: I hate kids. I mean … I have no patience for kids. I would never harm one, or stand by as one was put in harms way.. But the stupid toy was starting to get on my last nerve. I waited until the father of the 2 year old was beside her, and went to ask for the toy. Acting all innocent, I told him I had just the spot for the toy in my box. He asked his daughter for it, but she would not give it up. “We will take it with us.” Damn! I turned away and she pulled it again…

“Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. And on his farm he had a …E-I-E-I-O”

2 hours and 30 minutes: I asked the child if she had breakfast. Maybe dad would take them to eat? Happy meals all around, I would buy. But noooo… they had snacks. She hands me a cookie, then holds out the toy for me to pull the level. I pull it and the 18 month old just giggled. I took a bite out of the cookie- wishing it was a animal cookie.

(Come on – sing with me!) “Old Macdonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. And on his farm he had a… E-I-E-I-O!!!”

3 hours and 20 minutes: I hate my guys. I give them my famous “Go to hell look” as they start to sing with the toy.. and making the animal noises. I think I will make them wash trucks in the rain for that little funny.

“Old McDonalds had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. And on this farm he had a ….E-I-E-I-O”

Four hours and 10 minutes later: We pull out of the min storage parking lot and start our drive home. And what do they start?

“Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O! And on his farm he had a … E-I-E-I-O!!”

I threaten to make them walk home. As they laughed, I flipped them off, and turned up the radio. But you know how you get a song in you head…. Yes- Old Macdonald needs killed, and his animals cooked or sold. Cheap!




14:23 Sep 10 2006
Times Read: 1,520

Sunday morning - laying in bed, laptop use to catch up on rating. Whelp.

Quote: “One thing vampire children have to be

taught early on is, don't run with wooden stakes.”

Oh come on- It's cute... ~ laughter~




My Friends.....

03:02 Sep 10 2006
Times Read: 1,541

I have been reflecting on the question of “If you could meet anyone on the VR in person- who would it be?” on the Sandbox. As I drove today, I have come to realize I have made several friends on the Rave. I wanted to list them- to show them how I feel about them. Just not in a forum. Besides- they never read my journal. Therefore, I am safe. ~ smiles ~

These are by alphabetical order only:

Angelus: A man I would love to share a bottle of wine, and a long talk into the early morning hours. A man I trust.

Annakeeya: Lovely woman who helps, when I need help. A true friend. Has her head on straight.

BaphormetsServant: My first friend on the VR. Always will be. Love to be in his life for a day.

Blaser: Just to take a nap in his arms. A man who can get me to sleep, when no one else can. ( Ha-ha- that might not sound right. He is in no way boring..)

BroomhildaVonHex: A girl’s night out with Kat.

Chordewa: Most giving person I have ever met. Makes you want to be like her. When I grow up- I want to be just like her!

Crow666: Love to play with that hair, and see that smile in person. To make you smile for me.

Darkgod666: To meet my wolf man, a true friend. Let him teach me 5by5. And how he cheats at favors.

Darklass: The #3 of us going out to dinner to bash the males. Try to get her to tell me her stories.

DragonsEyes: To thank him for keeping us safe, and his sense of duty.

Eyeballs: To hours of us talking, and getting to know each other. And neither of us leaves!! And return the bites.

Fineblood: To have him cook a meal for me, and to just listen to his voice as he speaks in French. Just remember- I do not drink tea. Very special man in my life. And his KFC.

Horenspiel: To go fishing, and watch the sun come up as we talk.

Hot4blood: Would be nice to meet family, to have time to talk more.

Icedair: Another man I need time to get to know. But very nice.

LadyShelly: A smile comes to my face as we talk. Another true Lady.

Lestatsdarkling: To see if we can have as much fun in person as in the sandbox. You make it fun.

MasterDuellist: Love to have him give me a workout. (Mind- out of gutter- Now!)

MorbidDelite: Another friend I would love to meet, and spend time without interruptions. He offered to take care of me when I was sick. Ahhh..

Nikolai: Just to see if he can walk the walk. To give input on one of your stories.

PW: A gem on VR that I am very, very glad I found.

Path2Darkness: CHAZ!! Well I listed him, enough said…. Poopy bear.

PrettyViolence: The third person for dinner with Darklass. To a woman who has as much, if not more, attitude then me! Warning: Do not mess with her.

Robin13- Coven mistress, she took me in as I was being put out to the wolfs. Someone I know I am able to run to for help, if needed.

Sabre: Well… he knows why.

Saxon: To see his work.. (Gutter- mind - out!!)

Stygian: A man who knows how to bare his thoughts in his words. You have mail!

Valaharae: Makes me wish I were her age again, and as sweet as she is. Lovely person.

These are just a small list of the friends I have on the Rave, but the ones whom I talk and visit with every day or week. I am sorry if I left you out, and beg your forgiveness.

What am I worried about- no one reads these things. Nevertheless, I just wanted to acknowledge them. They are all very special to me.




The Boxer Man.

21:49 Sep 08 2006
Times Read: 1,563

Friday morning 7:32am.

Drive In Theater of a small country town. Silence greets me as I drove over to the house sitting to one side of the property, pulling into the driveway. I am here to do a delivery. One of the many jobs I have is as a courier. The yellow van one. What do we haul mostly? Movies. From one Movie Theater to another, over the time frame of Thursday night, into Friday morning. That is how you get those new releases on Friday, folks. Yeah I know- glamorous job. You would think they would have an easier way to do this then the big heavy canisters. :)

After a 2-hour drive under my belt, (do not miss the pun there lol ) I put the car in park and shut it off as I wait. As always- he comes out in a few minutes. Now let me give you an image. He is an older man – late 60’s. A normal body shape for that age. He comes out in his boxers, and sandals. That’s it. Just those two items of clothing. (3 if you count both shoes.) lol Now you see why I call him “The Boxer Man”

What? You would think I would be shocked? Please. I have seen this same man in his boxers for the last few years. First time he steps out in his boxers…ok, I did cover my eyes. I remember him coming to the car and saying something along the lines of “Your not the usually guy” I just looked at him… moving my eyes up to his sparking blue ones, and said, “I am early. I can wait for you to dress” But he just laughed. “I don’t for the other guy.” I had to smile at his nerve. “Well hell, don’t get dressed on my account” And we have been friends since.

As he walks toward the car this morning, I give my usually wolf call in my head (me being a smart ass, in case you did not get that) I do notice his boxers have a pattern this time. I have seen him in smiley face, plaid prints, solids, and animal prints. This lovely morning he wore a gray color with white box design. Hmmm… that new. I smile as he gets on his golf cart. Off we go, me in my car, and him with his white legs, up to the small building that houses the snack bar, bathrooms, and projectors room. I carry the 75lbs canisters into the building for him, as he talks away about how it is close to closing time for the place. Shoot- That means I will not "see" so much of him. ;)

I try to keep eye contact as I wait for him to sign the papers. I just could not help myself… “I like the new design. Makes your hips look smaller.” He laughed, and I am damn if he did not turn around to show me his backside. “You like them? Birthday gift from the wife.” I just had to smile, as this old man was not going to show an ounce of shame.

We said goodbye and I drove off this morning thinking—One day I am going to fix that old man. I will get brave enough to stop just before his place, and take off my clothing down to my bra, panties, and tennis shoes. lol. Then let us see what he thinks about that.

But then – he might like that. ~ Hum… ~


Could be worst- he could of been a briefs man.

Uggghhh!!! SHUDDERS!!




Rats..... and cheese...

15:57 Sep 07 2006
Times Read: 1,581

Had this dream last night. Strange as hell...

It came from a journal I read just before bed, so.. remind me to not do that again, ok?

I am in a brand new kitchen. A nice restaurant style kitchen. (Worked doing this very thing yesterday.. keep up, I am sharing my dream here. lol)

And I open a box, and these rats come running out of it. I mean huge rats. Like cat size rats. LIKE fat cat size rats. ( you get the point they were big rats, right? )

I scream and start running down the hall way of this new building, tripping over paint buckets, ladders, and trash the builders left behind as they chase me.

At the end of the hall, I have no were to go. I turn to see them line up in a row. Then I notice it. They wore colors. Gang colors. All kinds of colors- marking each as a gang member. I start to laugh as this is so freaking stupid... and that is when one of the huge rats jumped me.

I mean it leaped off the ground 5 feet and onto my chest. I held up my hand and it bite me. I screamed, feeling the others climb up my legs, claws ripping into my jeans and skin. That is when the one at my face spoke to me. In a heavy New York accent..." Welcome to the pack.."

I shoved him away from my face and he turned. That is when I saw a tatt cut into his fur... of a wedge of cheese...

I woke up, breathing hard, and shaking out my sheet, checking my bed. Then I laughted for a few mintues as I climb back into my bed. I knew that journal entry would get stuck in my mind, damn it.

Like I said- don't let me read journal's before I go to sleep. :)




Suck all you want...

23:54 Sep 05 2006
Times Read: 1,597

So my best friends and I went out to dinner last night. We went in, sat at a bench table, and what shall we see but a young, sexy male coming our way. “Good evening ladies….” Hell, not only great company, good food, but eye candy? lol

He had the most beautiful blue eyes. A man can be ugly as hell- but let him have nice eyes... yummy. One of my friends, who is single, and as much of a man-eater as me (not saying names…Nightgame ;) enjoyed his company as one of us decided on what to have for dinner.

So a few drinks later, and dinner arrived. You could tell it was coming as Nightgame started licking her lips. And to tell you the truth - I do not think it was over the food. lol

She did have the outside seat on the bench, having a better view, AKA: his body, as he moved back and forth. Witch that she is.

We started to eat, and one of the straws was sealed at the end, as it was sewn up as the paper cover was. The woman, only one in the group who has a boyfriend, held it up to see who wanted to ask the hunk for a new straw.

I gave Nightgame about… oh…. 5 seconds before I grabbed it. “I will ask for another. I can tell him I tried and tried, but I just cannot suck any more. I can not get the liquid in my mouth...” We all laughed. “Ladies. Is there a problem with your straw?” He asked as he step up to our table. He had a smile on his face, and we knew he heard my comments. Oh hell… who knew he was right behind us at another table?

~ Laughter ~





22:44 Sep 05 2006
Times Read: 1,601

Called the local bank. Switched over to the department I needed. Lady answer the call, and I told her I have forgotten the password for my account. I could not use the auto system to check my balance. And of course - the ONLY person who had the ability to change this information is gone.

So I ask her to give me my balance on the account. And what does she ask.... Come on.. you know what she asked ... :)

After giving her my account number, she asked..."I need your password or number." HELLO!!! I took a deep breath and counted to 10. " As I told you - I do not have the password. Ask me another security question" She laughted, and I just rolled my eyes.

I want to be dumb and cute to!! Please!!




Turn signal...

22:17 Sep 05 2006
Times Read: 1,605

So I got a call at work from a very irate man. He asked if I owned the truck in front of him. Gee, let me think… the phone number you called off the truck is this one… so… I bite my lip and keep the smart-ass remark to myself.

“Yes sir. How may I help you?” And off he went. Can I get hold of that driver? OK… I asked if he was the customer. Was the truck lost? Past were it should have turned? He said no... Its just he has been followed the truck for the last five miles and the turn signal is on.

Ok... give me a second, but what? He went on to tell me the driver has not turned off the turn signal since he turned onto the road. As he told me the roads name - I knew the truck and crew was on the way home. If you are like me... its WTF? So?

But the man just had to go on and on… I cannot pass them. I do not know when he is going to turn. This is when I wanted to say that you would see the red lights of the brakes, a-hole.

But he was determined I call the driver and inform him he needs to turn off the turn signal. Ok… anyone who knows me... well, I hate stupid people. So I could not stop the words.

“Sir, I could call the driver as he does have a cell phone. But you see- then he would be driving and talking on the phone. Not only is this unsafe, but it is against the law. Sort of like what you are doing right now, calling me about this stupid blinking light…” Click. He hung up on me!!

~evil laughter~



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